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2020 ACT Practice Tests +100 Practice Questions!

ACT practice tests based on official ACT test to help you get higher score and get a scholarship. Don't miss the updated practice tests!

Domain / URL audit

Domain : testpractices.com/act-practice-tests/
Dĺžka (v charakteroch) : 37
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SEO audit: Analýza obsahu

Jazyková lokalizácia bola zadaná: "en".
2020 ACT Practice Tests +100 Practice Questions!

Dĺžka (v charakteroch) : 48

Skvelé! Dĺžka názvu stránky (title) je medzi 10 a 70 charaktermi
Pomer : 16%

Prijateľné! Pomer textu/kódov je na webovej stránke v pomere medzi 15 a 25
Skvelé! Webová stránka nepoužíva flash riešenie.
Skvelé! Webová stránka nepoužíva frame riešenie.
correct  answer  sign  number  pass  math  sequence  expression  writing  practice  because  only  pre-algebra  arranged  ged  tests  mean  students  english  difference  get  skills  rectangle  incorrect  given  two  figure  got  numbers  test  grade  science  value  section  all  formula  option  mcqs  reading  instead  exam  between  questions  continue  geometry  time  passages  equal  scientific  multiplied  algebra  wrong  true  median  score  after  act  best  student  order 
Kľúčové slovo Obsah Názov (Title) Popis (meda description) Tituly (Headings)
incorrect 43
because 39
act 32
questions 25
students 25
test 25
Kľúčové slová (pozostávajúce z 2 slov) Obsah Názov (Title) Popis (meda description) Tituly (Headings)
rather than 5
practice test 4
students who 4
there are 4
who got 3
plane geometry 3
Kľúčové slová (pozostávajúce z 3 slov) Obsah Názov (Title) Popis (meda description) Tituly (Headings)
all you need 2
students may score 2
math questions act 2
about act test 2
divides total number 2
digits after 3 are 2
Štruktúra heading v zdrojových kódoch
  • <H1> ACT Practice Tests
  • <H2> Why choose ACT practice tests?
  • <H2> ACT practice test format
  • <H3> English section
  • <H3> Math section
  • <H4> Which of the following expression is equivalent to 2xy(9x2+18xy+4y2)? (Elementary algebra)
  • <H4> To get promoted to grade 6, students must pass English, math and science exam. Past record shows that 85% students pass the English exam and 60% of the students who pass the English exam also pass the science and math exams. Out of 100 students, how many will be promoted to grade 6? (Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> In scientific notation, 450,000,000 – 120,000,000 is written as (Pre- Algebra)
  • <H4> The product of two complex numbers (4i+5) and (-4i+5) is (Intermediate algebra)
  • <H4> What is the next term in the geometric sequence 1⁄3, 2⁄3,4⁄3? (Intermediate Algebra)
  • <H4> A rectangle who has the length of 7 centimeters, has the perimeter of 26 centimeters. What is area of the rectangle in centimeter square? ( Plane geometry)
  • <H4> Given f=ab2, f=600, b=10, what is the value of a? (Elementary algebra)
  • <H4> Five employees working in the same company give $500, $470, $380, $670 and $400 monthly income tax. What is the mean income tax given by all the employees? (Pre-Algebra)
  • <H4> If x: y=3:8 and y: z=2:5, then what is the ratio of x: z? (Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> What fraction exactly lies halfway between 4⁄5 and 5⁄6? ( Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> If ƒ (χ)=4χ-3, then ƒ(-2) =? (Elementary Algebra)
  • <H4> What is the difference between median and mean of the set {3,5,7,10,11,15}? ( Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> The grade distribution of 300 college students is shown below. ( Pre-Algebra) If one student is randomly selected from the college, then what is the probability that that the student has either got A or B grade?
  • <H4> In the figure, below a line intersects two lines WX and YZ. What is true about the figure below? (Plane geometry)
  • <H4> In which of the following options the numbers 6⁄11, 7⁄8 and 1 1⁄4 are arranged in descending order? (Pre-Algebra)
  • <H3> Reading section
  • <H3> Science section
  • <H3> Writing section
  • <H4> Recent Posts
  • Ukázať viac
Celkový počet 3 obrázkov na stránke.

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