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2020 ACT Practice Tests +100 Practice Questions!

ACT practice tests based on official ACT test to help you get higher score and get a scholarship. Don't miss the updated practice tests!

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2020 ACT Practice Tests +100 Practice Questions!

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palavra chave Conteudo Título Descripção (descripção da meta) Cabeceras (headings)
incorrect 43
because 39
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questions 25
students 25
test 25
Keywords (2 words) Conteudo Título Descripção (descripção da meta) Cabeceras (headings)
rather than 5
practice test 4
students who 4
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Keywords (3 words) Conteudo Título Descripção (descripção da meta) Cabeceras (headings)
all you need 2
students may score 2
math questions act 2
about act test 2
divides total number 2
digits after 3 are 2
A partida estructura no código fonte
  • <H1> ACT Practice Tests
  • <H2> Why choose ACT practice tests?
  • <H2> ACT practice test format
  • <H3> English section
  • <H3> Math section
  • <H4> Which of the following expression is equivalent to 2xy(9x2+18xy+4y2)? (Elementary algebra)
  • <H4> To get promoted to grade 6, students must pass English, math and science exam. Past record shows that 85% students pass the English exam and 60% of the students who pass the English exam also pass the science and math exams. Out of 100 students, how many will be promoted to grade 6? (Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> In scientific notation, 450,000,000 – 120,000,000 is written as (Pre- Algebra)
  • <H4> The product of two complex numbers (4i+5) and (-4i+5) is (Intermediate algebra)
  • <H4> What is the next term in the geometric sequence 1⁄3, 2⁄3,4⁄3? (Intermediate Algebra)
  • <H4> A rectangle who has the length of 7 centimeters, has the perimeter of 26 centimeters. What is area of the rectangle in centimeter square? ( Plane geometry)
  • <H4> Given f=ab2, f=600, b=10, what is the value of a? (Elementary algebra)
  • <H4> Five employees working in the same company give $500, $470, $380, $670 and $400 monthly income tax. What is the mean income tax given by all the employees? (Pre-Algebra)
  • <H4> If x: y=3:8 and y: z=2:5, then what is the ratio of x: z? (Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> What fraction exactly lies halfway between 4⁄5 and 5⁄6? ( Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> If ƒ (χ)=4χ-3, then ƒ(-2) =? (Elementary Algebra)
  • <H4> What is the difference between median and mean of the set {3,5,7,10,11,15}? ( Pre-algebra)
  • <H4> The grade distribution of 300 college students is shown below. ( Pre-Algebra) If one student is randomly selected from the college, then what is the probability that that the student has either got A or B grade?
  • <H4> In the figure, below a line intersects two lines WX and YZ. What is true about the figure below? (Plane geometry)
  • <H4> In which of the following options the numbers 6⁄11, 7⁄8 and 1 1⁄4 are arranged in descending order? (Pre-Algebra)
  • <H3> Reading section
  • <H3> Science section
  • <H3> Writing section
  • <H4> Recent Posts
  • expandir
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