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Granulators for Plastics waste recycling machines - CMG

Manufacturer of granulators for plastic processing machinery and waste recycling plastic grinding and shredding and reuse of scraps

Audyt domeny/Url

Domena : www.cmg.it/
Długość (w znakach) : 11
W bazie Alexa nie ma wystarczająco dużo danych o stronie. adres ip nie znajduje się na liście spam

Audyt SEO: Analiza treści

Lokalizacja językowa jest podana: "en".
Granulators for Plastics waste recycling machines - CMG

Długość (w znakach) : 55

świetnie! Długość tytułu strony (Title) jest pomiędzy 10 a 70 znakami.
Proporcja : 3%

Błąd! Na stronie proporcja tekstu/kodu 15 jest poniżej %. To pokazuje, że jest stosunkowo mało treści tekstowej na stronie.
świetnie! Strona nie korzysta z rozwiązań flash.
świetnie! Strona nie korzysta z rozwiązań frame (ramka).
europe  cmg  recycling  film  read  blowing  expanded  inside  materials  events  years  granulators  mould  deriving  size  plastic  wednesday  video  products  after  reduction  company  new  shredders  product  during  monday  moulding  contacts  april  solutions  thermoforming  circular  alliance  https  cables  production  built  european  requirements  injection  recyclers  like  joins  news  finished  scrap  machines  market  extrusion  blow  process  industry  plastics  high  recovery  applications  march  home  experience 
Słowo kluczowe Treść Tytuł (Title) Opis meta (meta description) Nagłówki (Headings)
moulding 10
plastics 9
cmg 9
injection 7
recycling 7
cables 6
Słowa kluczowe (2 słowa) Treść Tytuł (Title) Opis meta (meta description) Nagłówki (Headings)
read more 4
out more 4
you like 3
blow moulding 3
recyclers europe 3
injection moulding 3
Słowa kluczowe (3 słowa) Treść Tytuł (Title) Opis meta (meta description) Nagłówki (Headings)
find out more 6
read more monday 2
circular plastics alliance 2
Błąd. Jest więcej H1 niż 1
Struktura nagłówków w kodzie źródłowym
  • <H3> Thanks to experience built up over the years in the production of machinery suitable for grinding plastic materials, in a very short time, the new "NT" series has successfully entered a market where reliability of machines and quality of the ground material are fundamental elements.
  • <H3> CMG has a wide range of solutions for granulating plastic products deriving from the extrusion process. These products can be: Sheets and trims Straps Film Expanded foam Pipes and profiles
  • <H3> The recovery of blowing scrap is entrusted to granulators and shredders built with several variants and customised according to customer requirements. This blowing scrap comes from processing swarf obtained during an industrial process, in which a portion of cylindrical shaped resin is expanded by blowing compressed air inside a hollow mould which, swelling up, takes the shape of the inside of the mould. After cooling off, the finished product is removed from the open mould.
  • <H3> CMG manufactures special machines for products deriving from injection moulding processes. This is technologically advanced equipment capable of meeting all scrap recovery requirements. During the injection moulding process, plastic first undergoes a casting process and is then injected in a closed, high pressure mould. After it cools, this transformation creates the finished product.
  • <H2> CABLES
  • <H3> For many recycling operations, size reduction is not only necessary as a preliminary phase, but it is also economically convenient. It allows high levels of production with low energy consumption and recovery of plastic materials, purging, film, car parts, electric cables, wood, paper, etc.
  • <H1> NEWS
  • <H2> CMG Granulators in support of the Industry: replacement Blades and Screen promotion
  • <H2> CMG joins the European Circular Plastics Alliance
  • <H2> COVID-19 update
  • <H2> CMG joins Plastics Recyclers Europe
  • <H4> C.M.G. S.p.a.
  • <H4> Contacts
  • <H4> Links
  • <H4> Applications
  • Pokaż resztę

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