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molecules  virus  disinfecting  health  oxygen  viruses  proven  gas  reactive  r&d  ozone  technology  services  home  cell  bacteria  faq  need  studies  cleaning  used  effective  molecule 
Nyckelord Innehåll Titel Beskrivning (Meta beskrivning) Sidhuvud (headings)
ozone 11
disinfecting 5
oxygen 5
technology 4
virus 3
bacteria 3
Nyckelord (2 ord) Innehåll Titel Beskrivning (Meta beskrivning) Sidhuvud (headings)
ozone cleaning 2
home about 2
disinfecting technology 2
ozone disinfecting 2
about ozone 2
studies contact 2
Nyckelord (3 ord) Innehåll Titel Beskrivning (Meta beskrivning) Sidhuvud (headings)
studies contact faq 2
home about ozone 2
Fel! Antalet H1 taggar är mer än 1.
  • <H1> Ozone DISINFECTING technology to protect your health and combat pathogens
  • <H2> During the pandemic, and in its aftermath, we anticipate two things when it comes to ozone cleaning:
  • <H2> 1) There will be more places that need it.
  • <H2> 2) Unfortunately, there also will be unqualified ozone cleaners taking advantage of this need. In every circumstance, it is crucial that ozone disinfecting devices being used have current licenses and parameters. The results of ozone cleaning must be verifiably effective.
  • <H1> Ozone’s Disinfecting Technology
  • <H2> Ozone (O3) consists of three unstable oxygen molecules. The oxidization properties of this molecule cause it to decompose into one oxygen molecule, and a vitalizing (O2) oxygen gas molecule. The nascence oxygen is a reactive radical, which oxidizes the surrounding organic molecules (e.g. viruses, fungi, bacteria) within seconds. This eliminates the potential health damaging effects.
  • <H2> Disinfecting spaces using ozone technology will eliminate viruses and bacteria, preventing them from spreading. This unique sanitizing technology can tackle pandemics, such as the coronavirus, with fast and effective treatment. Ozone is an element with greater magnitude than hypochlorous acid or chlorine. It is a substance that damages the virus, so that the virus is incapable of transmitting bacteria that might affect the genome (DNA or RSN) within the cell. The Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) creates small holes in the cell membrane, which causes the virus cell to fall apart.
  • <H2> The existence of the ozone gas was first proven by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1814, and has been used for the sanitization of drinking water in Germany since 1902. Our company supplies this long proven mechanism as a newly innovated development for disinfecting purposes.
  • <H1> OzoneCleaningServices
  • <H1> OzoneGeneratorRental
  • <H1> ArchivePreservation
  • <H1> Research&Development
  • <H3> Navigation
  • Expandera

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