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Dĺžka (v charakteroch) : 36

Skvelé! Dĺžka názvu stránky (title) je medzi 10 a 70 charaktermi
Pomer : 19%

Prijateľné! Pomer textu/kódov je na webovej stránke v pomere medzi 15 a 25
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april  privacy  children  page  riding  tales  remember  fairy  cinderella  june  simply  animals  world  new  girls  time  policy  january  cleaning  another  february  march  november  prince  all  child  russian  service  footer  true  plumbing  home  been  stories  areas  october  english  read  common  archives  into  drain  every  september  child’s  dream  development  good  princess  july  beautiful  like  them  golden  better  most  wordpress  little  life  widgets 
Kľúčové slovo Obsah Názov (Title) Popis (meda description) Tituly (Headings)
tales 20
fairy 10
march 4
widgets 4
october 4
them 4
Kľúčové slová (pozostávajúce z 2 slov) Obsah Názov (Title) Popis (meda description) Tituly (Headings)
fairy tales 6
contact about 2
policy archives 2
areas plumbing 2
yet another 2
Kľúčové slová (pozostávajúce z 3 slov) Obsah Názov (Title) Popis (meda description) Tituly (Headings)
contact about other 2
home service areas 2
english fairy tales 2
another page privacy 2
H1, H5 chýba

Štruktúra heading v zdrojových kódoch
  • <H3> How many stories do you still remember by heart ? I guess most of the common fairy tales that everyone must be aware of would be Red Riding Hood – A witch who wanted to kill the riding hood because she was too good to be true, Cinderella – true heir to the prince’s affection, Sleeping Beauty – awakened by a kiss of true love and many more. These stories are not only meant for entertainment, but has morals to learn from it. They are considered to be the best companion of children and helped them to define the world in a better way.
  • <H4> Fairy tales are simply known as the tales of the fairies. Other than these regular english stories of fairies and witches, there are several russian fairy tales published between the time period of 1855-1863. These takes are separated into number of categories—magical tales, tales about animals and the  tales of everyday life. There are no falsehood, unlike english fairy tales. There are grand tales with male and female heroes, funny tales of talking animals those simply behave like humans and of  soldiers who encounter good and bad fortune while on their way back to him from a long service. However, the ending of the Russian tales is similar to that of english fairy tales, but with little modifications that make them intricate as if the storyteller was physical presence at the event. These tales play an important role in the development process of a child and helps him to grab a better understanding of life and world.
  • <H6> Russian Fairy Tales are available in almost all languages. Children have been brought up by these magnificent tales from centuries . Some of the most read tales of all times are listed below:
  • <H2> Archives
  • <H3> Footer Widgets
  • <H3> Recent Posts
  • <H3> Archives
  • <H3> WordPress
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