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GM.Photography - Home

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fuerteventura  links  unless  fuertevent  majorero  mkii  http  hard  gordon  sea  cotillo  part  copyright  mem  gallowaybridal  photograph  mckee  photographs  material  walking  you  along  commercial  canon  text  www  web  kidspartiesstranraer  ownergordon  permission  ofthe  otherwise  rights  island  legal  times  site  contact  trade  intellectual  com  stated  eos  all  wall  ownership  camera  image  bike  ipage  see  mckeeat  belong  the  download  graphics  sunrise  property  hosting  tools 
palavra chave Conteudo Título Descripção (descripção da meta) Cabeceras (headings)
gordon 6
mckee 6
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photographs 3
H1 não se acha

A partida estructura no código fonte
  • <H2> When someone asks me, did you take that photograph? "You must have a really good camera!"I answer, "The camera did not take it, I did."The camera is a  tool to caputure an image that I see in front of me, it does not  matter what make of camera , it is the result of what we see by using our imagination and capturing that image. Every photograph is a "one off" chance of  a moment in time.
  • <H2> Majorero warriors   ©  Gordon Mckee, 2012Who? Fuerteventura warriorsThe first inhabitants of the island were known as the Majoreros -  named  after the original kingdom of Maxorata, at the northern end of the island.Taken in the mountains at sunrise.  
  • <H2>  Misty desert dawn ©  Gordon Mckee, 2012Fuerteventura. Another early morning adventure
  • <H2> Taking steps ©  Gordon Mckee, 2012One of a series of photographs captured of this guywith his bike walking along the sea wall at Cotillo, Fuertevent
  • <H2> Gordon McKee
  • <H2> Tools of the trade
  • <H2> Links  http://mem.photo4me.com
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