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Clinic of Five Element Acupuncture - West Kirby, Wirral

Acupuncturist Jackie Fairweather is a member of The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and a founding member of Zita West Network for Reproductive Health.

Dominio / URL auditoría

Dominio : cofea.co.uk/
Comprido (personagems) : 12
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Clinic of Five Element Acupuncture - West Kirby, Wirral

Comprido (personagems) : 55

Excelente! O título tem um comprimento de entre 10 e 70 caracteres.
Relação : 42%

Bom! A proporção texto / código está entre 25 e 70 por cento.
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health  skills  successfully  own  infertility  practice  location  continues  element  most  recovery  more  help  links  charges  member  certificate  pain  all  both  bacc  clinic  contact  life  time  she  fitness  about  support  five  confidence  completed  testimonials  kirby  zita  fertility  treatment  movement  news  acupuncturist  needles  during  jackie’s  acupuncture  great  with  jackie  emotional  became  increased  issues  fairweather  west  injuries  home  conditions  from  regularly  pregnancy  the 
palavra chave Conteudo Título Descripção (descripção da meta) Cabeceras (headings)
acupuncture 15
jackie 12
from 6
she 5
treatment 5
west 5
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  • <H1> Clinic of Five Element Acupuncture, West Kirby
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