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SEO audit: rimlive.com

rimlive.com desktop preview
48 %


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Mobile devices

Error! This website is not optimised for mobile devices: it is optimised for 958px wide displays!
Error! This website is not optimised for tablet devices: it is optimised for 958px wide displays!
rimlive.com mobil preview
rimlive.com tablet preview

Google search result list preview

Error! Missing title section: the page has no title!

Les videos de Radio Ici & Maintenant!

Domain / URL audit

Domain : rimlive.com/
Length (characters) : 12
Alexa global rank: 1569292
Alexa rank (France): 74663
The ip address is not on the spam list.

SEO audit: Content analysis

We have found the language localisation: ”EN”.

Length (characters) : 0

Serious mistake! No title found on the analysed webpage!
Ratio : 13%

Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
Excellent! The website does not have any flash contents.
Excellent! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
demandée  général  empêchent  intéressées  liberté  modeste  didier  salaud  arnoux  jovanovic  rimcast  janvier  d’être  émissions  internationale  flash  culture  tauzin  mathieux  burensteinas  novembre  energies  positives  patrick  productions  nitot  protocole  julien  revue  oracle  économique  compte  this  the  player  mois  alimentent  art  video  aurent  lisandru  soutenir  décembre  blog  alexandre  get  contribution  comments  février  audio  pierre  see  presse  responsabilisées  hotline  jean-pierre  martinez  serait-ce  latest  reçoit 
Keyword Content Title Description (meta description) Headings (headings)
player 22
positives 12
energies 12
this 11
see 11
flash 11
Keywords (2 words) Content Title Description (meta description) Headings (headings)
the latest 10
energies positives 9
get the 8
player to see 8
sur rimcast 7
audio sur 6
Heading structure in the source code
  • <H1>
  • <H2>
  • <H3> RimCast
  • <H3> Le Protocole Oracle
  • <H3> Recommandés
  • <H3> Chaînes :
  • <H3> Articles récents
  • <H2> Contribuer
  • <H2> Pierre Jovanovic – Général Didier Tauzin -
  • <H2> La HotLine reçoit Tristan Nitot – 14 février 2015
  • <H2> Energies Positives – Patrick Burensteinas – 6 Février 2015
  • <H2> Energies Positives – Jean-Pierre Martinez – 30 Janvier 2015
  • <H2> Lisandru – Pierre Jovanovic – Revue de Presse Internationale – 28 Janvier 2015
  • <H2> Art & Culture – Julien Salaud – 22 Janvier 2014
  • <H2> Lisandru – Mathieux Arnoux – 21 Janvier 2015
  • Expand
We found 3 images on this web page.

Alternate attributes for the following 2 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.

SEO audit: technology

Error! The web address is accessible with and without www!
Error! No favicon is found. Using favicon helps to build a better brand quicker.
XHTML 1.0 Strict
Perfect! The character encoding is set: UTF-8.
Error! Deprecated HTML tags are used on this webpage. You should improve your website.
Deprecated tagsOccurrences
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
The website has a 404 error page.
The robots.txt file is missing!
Excellent! Sitemap is used on this website.
The Google Analytics tracking code is missing.
Suggestion! The website does not use the Google Tag Manager.
Warning! The website contains at least one unencrypted email address.