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Newstead TreeFest

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Domain : treefest.co.uk/
Länge (Zeichen) : 15
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Newstead TreeFest

Länge (Zeichen) : 17

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Verhältnis : 27%

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area  site  treefest  environment  buy  your  sale  information  range  dance  generations  lunch  speakeasy  celebration  teenage  plan  massage  from  help  festival  themed  holistic  workshops  parish  volunteers  the  activities  local  peer  making  part  please  newstead  now  happen  designed  thank  stage  event  pit  support  big  music  people  main  click  merchandise  stalls  areas  you  community  theatre  cafe  village  health  all  stewarding  free  childrens  here 
Stichwort Webinhalt Titel Beschreibung (Meta-Beschreibung) Überschriften
area 8
newstead 7
the 6
treefest 6
from 5
sale 4
H1, H2, H3 fehlt

Gliederungsstruktur im Quell-Code
  • <H5> Newstead Treefest was developed in 1999 as a celebration of the opening of community woodland in Newstead Village with the aims of engaging local people to create a sense of community and ownership in Newstead. This year Treefest is themed as a Celebration of Multi Culture. Workshops, music and information stands will support this theme. The event will also link with the proposed purchase of Annesley/Newstead Pit Tip to support development of a country park on the pit tips.
  • <H5> The event is designed and run by volunteers from the local community to provide activities for all generations and the themed areas offer workshops in Arts and Crafts in The Village, this years Environment Area, a range of workshops in the Teenage Area and the Childrens Areas, free holistic therapies and peer massage training in the Health Area as well as music on the Main stage and in the Dance Area and Acoustic and spoken word in the Speakeasy Cafe, Around the site will be various Stalls, Street theatre, information tents from Agencies and more.
  • <H5> Over 100 volunteers will take part in making the event happen and will develop a range of skills ranging from achieving stewarding qualifications to Youth Awards. You can also join us for the launch of the Newstead Parish Plan, have lunch in the Speakeasy cafe with hundreds of people as part of the national Big Lunch initiative on the Sunday afternoon, or help the Holistic Health Team break the world record for participants in peer Massage.
  • <H4> Please click here if you would like to volunteer, Steward, Perform or Trade
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