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audit SEO : tradetab.io

tradetab.io desktop previzualizare
44 %


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Vizualizare lista de cautare Google

Website Builder B2B Platform CRM Software for Small Business ...

Tradetab is a website builder, online store creator, b2b & lead generation platform, mobile app builder and crm software for small businesses in India

Domain / URL audit

Domain : tradetab.io/
Lungime (in caractere) : 12
In baza de date Alexa nu sunt destule date despre pagina. adresa ip nu este pe lista spam

Audit SEO : analiza cuprins

Locatie de limbaj specificata: "zx".
Website Builder B2B Platform CRM Software for Small Business - Tradetab

Lungime (in caractere) : 71

De corectat. Lungimea titlului (Title) trebuie sa fie intre 10 si 70 caractere.
Raport : 17%

Acceptabil! Raportul text/cod pe pagina este intre 15 si 25 procent la suta.
Minunat! Pagina nu foloseste flash.
Splendid! Pagina nu foloseste solutie frame.
vendor  help  templates  send  sms  tradetab  features  add  member  follow  performance  make  store  start  tasks  grow  triggers  instant  new  heights  entire  engagement  via  improve  using  newsletter  reminders  website  business  in-built  own  create  team  conversion  leads  customers  digital  lead  online  automated  feature  now  free  sales  user  them  management  always  login  network  suppliers  get  email  presence  customer  google  started  platform  see  builder 
Cuvant-cheie Continut Titlu (Title) Descriere (meta description) Antete (Headinguri)
get 14
business 11
customers 9
login 8
started 6
team 6
Cuvinte cheie (2 cuvinte) Continut Titlu (Title) Descriere (meta description) Antete (Headinguri)
using our 5
start now 3
get started 3
your team 3
your business 2
grow your 2
Cuvinte cheie (3 cuvinte) Continut Titlu (Title) Descriere (meta description) Antete (Headinguri)
each team member 2
user login for 2
login for business 2
scale your business 2
banao business badhao 2
your business to new 2
Eroare. Din H1 este mai mult, decat 1
H2 lipseste

Structura Heading in codul de sursa
  • <H1> Digital Banao Business Badhao
  • <H1> Digital Banao Business Badhao
  • <H3> About Us
  • <H4> Start generating new leads by building a FREE website that gives you instant presence on google
  • <H4> Start selling on the internet by creating your own B2B or B2C online store absolutely FREE
  • <H4> Always be in touch with your customers by using our FREE marketing tools
  • <H4> Make your business more efficient by sending automated reminders for payments, gst returns, purchase orders & more
  • <H4> Scale your business to new heights using our collaborate feature by mapping your entire network on our platform
  • <H4> Improve your team performance by delegating tasks and keeping track and see results improve by 5x
  • <H3> Our Valued Customer
  • <H3> Contact Us
  • <H3> Subscribe to our Newsletter
  • <H3> Follow Us
  • Arata restul

audit SEO: tehnologia

Minunat! Adresa de web disponibila intr-o singura versiune, versiunea cu www este directionata pe versiunea fara www!
Minunat! Pagina foloseste favicon.
Perfect! UTF-8, codarea de caractere reglata.
Minunat! Nu exista solutii HTML invechite.
Eroare! Pagina nu contine CSS, ce ajuta la imprimat.
Eroare. Site-ul nu dispune pagina 404 standard!
Exista fisier robots.txt
User-agentDisallow (pagini interzise pt motoare de cautare)
  • /home1.php

Minunat! Pagina web foloseste harta site-ului!
Pagina nu dispune de Google Analytics.
Pagina nu foloseste etichete Google.
Pericol! Exista pe pagina cel putin o adresa de e-mail nesecretizata.