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audit SEO : art4noise.co.uk

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Home - Art4noise Studios: VO, ADR, Source Connect, Mixing - Audio ...

We're an independent audio Post Production facility specializing in high quality Voice Overs, ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement), Mixing and Source ...

Domain / URL audit

Domain : art4noise.co.uk/
Lungime (in caractere) : 16
In baza de date Alexa nu sunt destule date despre pagina. adresa ip nu este pe lista spam

Audit SEO : analiza cuprins

Locatie de limbaj specificata: "en".
Home - Art4noise Studios: VO, ADR, Source Connect, Mixing - Audio Post Studio

Lungime (in caractere) : 77

De corectat. Lungimea titlului (Title) trebuie sa fie intre 10 si 70 caractere.
Raport : 17%

Acceptabil! Raportul text/cod pe pagina este intre 15 si 25 procent la suta.
Minunat! Pagina nu foloseste flash.
Splendid! Pagina nu foloseste solutie frame.
sophisticated  the  thoughtful  audio  appropriate  including  technology  inspired  ingestre  finest  sound  facility  latest  credits  deliver  knit  experience  clients  services  aspects  always  what  striving  combining  placesoholondon  all  offer  staff  editors  freelance  track-laying  team  production  industry's  some  tight  multi  exceptional  ability  adr  service  ever  tel  award-winning  skype  mixing  suit  mixers  studio  job  ourselves  recording  pride  post  track  permanent  creativity  ensure  project  fax 
Cuvant-cheie Continut Titlu (Title) Descriere (meta description) Antete (Headinguri)
audio 6
post 5
mixing 3
sound 3
adr 3
team 2
H1, H3, H4, H5 lipseste

Structura Heading in codul de sursa
  • <H2> art4noise | a bespoke audio facility
  • <H6>  
  • <H6> Art4noise audio post production is a long well established, track-laying, recording and mixing studio. The company began in 2004, started by Peter Baldock, who's credits date back to 1979, with classics such as 'Alien' and 'Blade Runner'.
  • <H6> Art4noise has been running as an independent / 'boutique' audio post facility for nearly a decade, serving hundreds of clients through it's offerings of services including ADR / Voice-Over and Re-recording. Here at Art4noise we are strong believers in quality and tailor ourselves to suit our clients; always striving to deliver an exceptional service and experience. We are a multi award-winning, tight knit team of permanent staff and some of the industry's finest freelance editors and mixers. We offer all aspects of audio post production and pride ourselves on combining creativity with the latest technology to ensure an inspired sound track for your job. What ever the project;  we at Art4noise have the ability to deliver a sophisticated, appropriate and thoughtful sound track.

audit SEO: tehnologia

Eroare! Adresa de web disponibila si in versiunea cu www si fara www!
Minunat! Pagina foloseste favicon.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Perfect! UTF-8, codarea de caractere reglata.
Minunat! Nu exista solutii HTML invechite.
Eroare! Pagina nu contine CSS, ce ajuta la imprimat.
Site-ul dispune pagina 404 standard
Exista fisier robots.txt
User-agentDisallow (pagini interzise pt motoare de cautare)
  • /administrator/
  • /cache/
  • /cli/
  • /components/
  • /images/
  • /includes/
  • /installation/
  • /language/
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  • /logs/
  • /media/
  • /modules/
  • /plugins/
  • /templates/
  • /tmp/
  • Arata restul

Lipsa harta site-ului!
Pagina nu dispune de Google Analytics.
Pagina nu foloseste etichete Google.
Minunat! Adrese de e-mailuri secrete!